Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links
Geology recommended links


High‐pressure mechanical properties of talc–Implications for fault strength and slip processes
Boneh Y., Pec M., and Hirth G.
2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, p.e2022JB025815.

Topaz* A., Golan T., and Boneh Y.
2023, Tectonophysics, v. 865, p.230036.

Microstructural shift due to post-deformation annealng in the upper mantle
Boneh Y., Chin E.J., Chilson-Parks B.H., Saal A.E., Hauri E., Hearn C.B., and Hirth G.
2021, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009377.

The peridotite deformation cycle in cratons and the deep impact of subduction
Chin E. J., Chilson-Parks B. H., Boneh Y., Hirth G., Saal A. E., Hearn C. B., and Hauri E. H.
2021, Tectonophysics, v. 817, p. 229029

Boneh Y., Chin E. J., and Hirth G.
2021, Minerals, v. 11(9), p. 995

Intermediate-depth earthquakes controlled by incoming plate hydration along bending-related faults
2019, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 46, p. 3688– 3697.

Geotribology - Friction, wear, and lubrication of faults
2018, Tectonophysics, v. 733, p. 171-181

Oriented grain growth and modification of ‘frozen texture’ in the lithospheric mantle
Boneh Y., Wallis D., Hansen L. N., Krawczynski M. J., and Skemer P.
2017, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 474, p. 368-374

Viscous anisotropy of textured olivine aggregates: 2. Micromechanical model
Hansen L., Conrad C. P., Boneh Y., Skemer P., Warren J. M., Kohlstedt D. L.,
2016, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, v. 121, p. 7137-7160

Boneh Y., Morales L. F. G., Kaminski E., and Skemer P.

Fault mirrors along carbonate faults: Formation and destruction during shear experiments
Siman-Tov S., Aharonov E., Boneh Y., and Reches Z.
2015, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 430, p. 367-376

The effect of deformation history on the evolution of olivine CPO
Boneh Y. and Skemer P.
2014, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 406, p. 213-222

Fault evolution by transient processes of wear and friction
Boneh Y., Chang J. C., Lockner, D. A., and Reches Z.
2014, Pure and Applied Geophysics.

Fault-wear by damage evolution during steady-state slip
Lyakhovsky V., Sagy A., Boneh Y., Reches Z.
2014, Pure and Applied Geophysics.

Frictional strength and wear-rate of carbonate faults during high-velocity, steady-state sliding
Boneh Y., Sagy A., and Reches Z.
2013, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 381, p. 127-137,